Counseling Request

At Emerge Berkeley, we believe in a holistic approach to the Christian walk, focusing on health in mind, body, and spirit.

To support this, we offer distinct areas of counseling. Our in-house pastoral counseling addresses marriage and family issues, employment challenges, inner healing, and overcoming substance or sexual addictions. Additionally, we partner with a local counseling center to provide mental health and trauma-based counseling.

To connect with a counselor, please complete the short survey below. All submissions are confidential and will only be viewed by the Spiritual Formation Pastor to ensure you are matched with the appropriate services.

You will receive a response from us within 24 hours. If this is an emergency, please call the Crisis Hotline at 1-800-273-TALK. You can also text or call Pastor Mimi at 510-570-5915. Know that you are not alone, we are here for you.